
Teleparse is a powerful library designed for creating parsers for custom languages. This book serves as a comprehensive tutorial for using the library and provides a brief introduction to the essential concepts of lexical analysis and syntax analysis, which play crucial roles in compiler design. For more technical details, please refer to the documentation on


  • Utilizes Rust's powerful proc-macro system to simplify language declaration, ensuring excellent synergy between data structures and the language being parsed. There's no need to learn a DSL for parser declaration.
  • Includes an LL(1) top-down, recursive-descent, non-back-tracking parser. The grammar can be verified as LL(1) through generated tests.
  • Offers utilities for parsing common language constructs, such as optional symbols and symbol-delimited lists, with built-in error detection and recovery.
  • No separate build tool needed to generate parser code.


  • The "Dragon Book" Compilers: Principles, Techniques, and Tools by Alfred V. Aho, Monica S. Lam, Ravi Sethi, and Jeffrey D. Ullman, used as reference for implementation.
  • The lexer implementation is backed by the ridiculously fast logos library


Add teleparse as a dependency in your project:

$ cargo add teleparse

It is recommended to import the teleparse::prelude module in your module that interfaces with teleparse to bring all required traits, macros and utility types into scope. You will see almost all the examples do this.

fn main() {
use teleparse::prelude::*;